Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Hello, my name is Jason Bader. I was born and raised in Ft. Worth, Texas and is my current residence. I am an only child, which is probably a good thing for my parents because I am sure just one of me is enough to keep them busy. I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes when I was twelve, took four to five shots a day before I started on the pump. I love classic hymns such as A Mighty Fortress is our God and oldies rock like The Beatles. My main interests are philosophy, theology, history, literature, and playing the guitar. I am a Christian, was born into a Christian family with a Calvinistic theological perspective. I love having philosophical and theological discussions, but I mostly enjoy apologizing (making a defense) for the Christian faith not only as a legitimate worldview, but also as the worldview that matches reality the closest. That pretty much covers it; hope you enjoy reading my thoughts and perspectives. God bless.

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